_ How can I be sure that my enrollment has been completed successfully?
You will receive an email from the Festival as soon as the enrollment has been registered correctly. This email will be sufficient to guarantee your enrollment.
_ Will I need to send a digital file for the screening, in case my film is selected?
Yes. For the enrollment, a link to access the film (Youtube, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) or a physical file sent by mail will suffice. If your short film is selected we will request a digital copy that can be in H264, MOV or MPEG4 format.
_ Can I enroll in person?
No. Enrollments are made only through the Festival website (entretodos.com.br) and through the FESTHOME (festhome.com) and FILMFREEWAY (filmfreeway.com) platforms.
_ If I choose to send a DVD or BLURAY, where do I send the physical copy of my short film and the other documents to make my enrollment effective?
In this case, you must send the DVD or BLURAY of your film and the other documents required in the Rules and Regulations of the 15th edition of Entretodos to:
Empresa de Cinema e Audiovisual de São Paulo
Rua Libero Badaró, 293 – 22 andar – cj.22B
Centro – São Paulo – SP – Brasil
CEP: 01009-907
_ What is the deadline to mail the DVD or BLURAY of my short film?
If you have chosen to send a DVD or BLURAY of the short film by mail, the deadline for posting is, exceptionally, the closing day of the subscriptions.
_ I cannot enroll the short film online, how should I proceed?
In this case, we suggest that you clear your browser’s cache or use another internet provider. If you are still unable to enroll, send an email, before the deadline of enrollments, to the e-mail address contato@entretodos.com.br, with the subject ‘Enrollment error’, describing the error. As soon as we have the answer, we will contact you.
_ My film is 26 minutes or more. Can I enroll it?
No. The maximum length for each film is 25 minutes.
_ My short film is independent, there is no production company attached to the project, can I enroll anyway?
Yes, you can. There is no need to have a production company attached to your work.
_ How do I know if my film is about Human Rights?
You can consult the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by visiting: www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf
_ Can short films made in years prior to the Festival be enrolled?
Yes, it is not necessary that the film was shot recently. Short films produced in years prior to the Festival will be accepted, as long as if in accordance with our Rules and Regulations.
_ Regarding awards, if I am a foreigner, how do I receive them?
You must find a Brazilian representative to receive an eventual award. This representative must have a valid CPF and also be able to issue an Invoice or other corresponding document that proves receipt of the cash prize.
_ My film is spoken in a language other than Portuguese, can I submit it?
Yes, you can enroll a film spoken in another language, as long as the film has subtitles in Portuguese or a list of dialogues in Portuguese, along with the respective timecodes.
_ I don’t have Portuguese subtitles, what should I do?
If it is impossible to provide subtitles in Portuguese, they must be sent in English.
_When will I be notified if my film has been selected for the Main Competition, Films for Kids, Youth or any other alternative showcases?
After the selection of short films by our team of Curators, in early September the list of short films selected will be published on the Festival website (https://www.entretodos.com.br/) and other social medias, pointing out the showcase every film was allotted to. After the publication of said list, our team will contact you by e-mail requesting the necessary materials (film in high resolution, photos, synopsis, audio description, subtitles [if spoken in a foreign language], authorizations, etc.).
_ Is it mandatory to send the film in high definition?
No, but if your short film is selected, sending in high definition is requested only to guarantee the best quality possible to screens of movie theaters.
_ Can I submit a film that is not registered with Ancine?
Yes, you can. Ancine registration is not mandatory for enrollment purposes.
_ Does the film need to have a parental rating?
Yes, it is mandatory information that appears on the registration form. The film must comply with the indicative ranges (free for all ages, 10, 12, 14, 16 or 18 years old).
Any contingency that implies an amendment to the Rules and Regulations, as well as the Festival dates, will be notified to participants and exhibitors of selected short films will be consulted.
ENTRETODOS Festival Organization