competitive show


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The winner of the Popular Jury Prize will be announced at the closing ceremony of the Entretodos Festival, on 10.16.2022.
The ceremony will be broadcast on the website and on the Entretodos Festival Youtube channel.

SESSIONS 39 shorts divided into the 8 sessions below | click on each one to watch the films

Block 1 - Água Nova


Me chame de pardo

Slam poetry about being mixed-race in Brazil.


Director: Rafael Castro Lopes

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 3'42"

Rating: 10+ (violence)


Azul Luanda

It is a monochromatic experimental film that uses the language of colors to represent a powerful cycle of problematic situations in Luanda through the dreams of Dizon, who navigates between reality, delusions and hallucinations about the city where he was born and raised. The scattered and diverse shades of blue spread across the city were cataloged and related to their laughter and drama through an aesthetically exaggerated and staged visual recreation of Luanda`s spaces and situations.


Director: Gegé M´bakudi

Country of production: Angola

Year of production: 2022

Length: 13minutes

Rating: 12+ (violence)


Movimentos Migratórios

Pedro Paniágua chegou recentemente ao Brasil e trava um desafio diário pela sobrevivência. Ele planeja trazer sua família quando se adaptar ao novo país. Quando uma andorinha cai em sua casa, ele se divide entre a rotina de busca por emprego e a tentativa de salvar a ave. A cada lugar que leva, encontra dificuldades que refletem sua própria condição de imigrante, mas persiste na promessa de salvar a ave como uma missão que se revela transformadora.


Director: Rogério Cathalá

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2024

Length: 14'36"

Rating: 12+ (violence)

In the shelter of galvanized tankers

The children of Baran Abad village shout rain in the middle of children’s games.


Director: Reza - GHolami Motlagh

Country of production: Irã

Year of production: 2023

Length: 9'54"

Rating: General

O Tempo das Coisas

“The Time of Things” is a film that moves between contemplation and a distracted gaze, capturing the subtle ways of daily life in the rural community of São Paulinho, in the lower south of Bahia. It is in the wisdom of the neighborhood and the strength of shared experiences that stories unfold—of people who plant, feel longing, sing, declare their love, cry, pray, and laugh.


Director: Lara Beck

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2024

Length: 23'59"

Rating: General

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Me chame de pardo
Azul Luanda
Movimentos Migratórios
In the shelter of galvanized tankers
O Tempo das Coisas

Block 2 - Fumaça Desgraça


Hélio has lived in São Paulo for 50 years. A resident of the city’s East Zone, he feels that he can give something back to the city that has given him so much over the years. In return, Hélio starts a project with his own hands, and the result is now a reference point in São Paulo.


Director: Bruno Martins

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2021

Length: 3minutes

Rating: General

violence; sex and nudity

Rasga Mortalha

Rasga Mortalha comes from the legend of the owl “Suindara” – much told in the folklore of the North and Northeast of Brasil – to address the socio-political urgencies of the country. It is believed that the appearance of its white figure, followed by the wild cry – which resembles the sound of a cloth being torn in half – carries with it the sign of death. As a metaphorical vector for thinking, and also transcending, a fatalistic view of Brasilian history, the artist uses this popular tradition to cross centuries of public events with memories, references and personal imaginations, creating a charged and sharp narrative.


Director: Thiago Martins de Melo

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 13'50"

Rating: 16+ (violence; sex and nudity)


Sabão Líquido

A man is illegally transported to remote southern Brasil to work in a counterfeit liquid soap production operation. During his days of isolation in the woods, he begins to find solace in his solitude.

Director: Fernanda Reis, Gabriel Faccini

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2019

Length: 20'55"

Rating: 10+ (violence)



Amir is a student who is humiliated by the school administrator because of the situation he is in. This incident leads to his transformation…


Director: Mehrdad Kabiri

Country of production: Iran

Year of production: 2023

Length: 15minutes

Rating: 10+ (violence)



A dialogue between Ruth’s childhood memories and her evangelical pastor father’s accounts brings to light details of the story of a resident of the peripheral community of Ceilândia (DF), marked by the violence she suffered from the men in her life. A mother of four, Ruth lives with her elderly father, admiring him as a pastor but not as a father. A thin line reveals deep contrasts in the pain of being a woman.


Director: Sonia Guggisberg

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 15'20"

Rating: 12+ (violence)

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Rasga Mortalha
Sabão Líquido

Block 3 - Fim de Linha


Big Bang

Chico makes a living by fixing ovens, which he can easily enter due to his size. Faced with a system that excludes him, he has no choice but to resist.


Director: Carlos Segundo

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2022

Length: 14minutes

Rating: 10+ (violence)

Cida Tem Duas Sílabas

Cida, a 60-year-old seamstress, needs to sign a document at work but cannot read what it says. With the help of her granddaughter’s teacher, Cida begins to learn how to read while also starting to question things happening in her work environment.


Director: Giovanna Castellari

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 19minutes

Rating: General



A fed up delivery worker chooses a split second act of rebellion – one that results in an awkward, spiraling dance between the classes of the 21st century.


Director: Christofer Nilsson

Country of production: França

Year of production: 2023

Length: 13'13"

Rating: 10+ (violence)

La poderosa

“La poderosa” is a person with a diverse sexual orientation and gender identity. In bullerengue, she found the way not only to survive and resist the armed conflict that has plagued her all her life, but also to heal those wounds that cannot be seen with the naked eye.


Director: Mavis De La Ossa

Country of production: Colômbia

Year of production: 2023

Rating: General


La piel donde me hallo

“The skin where I am” reflects, from the perspective and voices of its protagonists, the world in which trans people live in Paraguay; the post-dictatorship, what they face, what they suffer, what they dream of and where their current struggle lies.


Director: Aline Moscato, Néstor Amarilla Ojeda, Amamos Cine

Country of production: Paraguai

Year of production: 2023

Length: 19'15"

Rating: 12+ (violence)

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Big Bang
Cida Tem Duas Sílabas
La poderosa
La piel donde me hallo

Block 4 - Dezembros


The Picture

Palestinian family trying to take a birthday picture during the war.


Director: Houssein Haidar

Country of production: Líbano

Year of production: 2023

Length: 1'22"

Rating: 12+ (violence)


Three Nights In Haifa

The unfiltered daily life of a young Palestinian trainee nurse in which we delve into the healthcare system within a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon.The drama sheds light on the enduring Palestinian cause and the prevailing situation after decades of conflict.


Director: Hadil Alramli

Country of production: Palestina

Year of production: 2023

Length: 16'27"

Rating: 12+ (violence)

sex and nudity


In this film, all department heads are people with disabilities. Yes, this is a synopsis.


Director: Victor Di Marco, Marcio Picoli

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2024

Length: 15'55"

Rating: 14+ (sex and nudity)

All Quiet On The Westlake

The film conveys the theme of “love” through the life story of a blind-deaf couple. Facing all kinds of dilemma, the couple maintain each other between light and darkness. The background of this documentary is the Sign Language Corner of the West Lake Three Parks,which is the most “central” and “marginal” corner of Hangzhou.Every Friday morning, deaf people from all over Zhejiang Province gather here. Among them, Sang Lianying from Deqing County is a blind-deaf person, and her husband is also deaf. The couple came to Hangzhou for medical treatment.After arriving at the hospital, the doctor informed the wife that her left eye was completely blind, so they returned to Deqing County , waiting for the only remaining hope of surgery on her right eye…… As the oldest way of communication, sign language may be the common language used by humans before the collapse of the Babel Tower .With the rapid development of Hangzhou, someone is doomed to be left behind. In this surging long river of time, the documentary will be the last words written for time.


Director: Wei Zishuo

Country of production: China

Year of production: 2024

Length: 15minutes

Rating: General


Film available only at the on-site screenings

Last Days of Summer

A recurring mysterious sound from mountains in the Himalaya is heard only by two curious young shepherds. Unable to convince the villagers of the scary nature of such sound, they journey into the unknown to unravel the mystery.


Director: Stenzin Tankong

Country of production: Índia

Year of production: 2022

Length: 14'57"

Rating: 10+ (violence)

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The Picture
Three Nights In Haifa
All Quiet On The Westlake
Last Days of Summer

Block 5 - Propícia Estação



While preparing for a weekend at the beach, the feelings of a whole family are confronted with the return of their eldest son, who has been away for ten years. Even unintentionally, they are called to dive into their own emotions.


Director: Marton Olympio, Anderson Jesus

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2022

Length: 15'46"

Rating: 12+ (violence)


Film available only at the on-site screenings

Big Bang Henda

Toppling statues and symbols, constructing new memories, framing the destroyed landscape, writing letters to the future, reversing power dynamics: BIG BANG HENDA is a documentary-poetry-manifesto about the work of Angolan artist Kiluanji Kia Henda. He takes us on a journey through his creations and reflections, which are at the forefront of anti-colonial thinking, urging us to consider how generations that grew up during or in the aftermath of the war reinterpret this event.

Director: Fernanda Polacow

Country of production: Portugal

Year of production: 2023

Length: 22'2"

Rating: 12+ (violence)


Educação na Mira

Educação na Mira is a short documentary that aims to discuss the influence of violence on the lives of students in the Favela da Maré. To reflect on the daily confrontations faced by the students, the film uses testimonies from students, experts, and residents of the Favela da Maré.


Director: Rapha SIlva e Diogo Santos

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 13minutes

Rating: 12+ (violence)


Uma mulher comum

What is permitted on one side of the border can lead to imprisonment on the other. Scarleth is Brazilian, married, and a mother of three. Accompanied by her mother, she travels to Argentina for a legal and safe abortion. The two women are confronted with the courage of generations of Argentine women in defense of democracy and life.

Director: Debora Diniz

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 20'30"

Rating: 12+ (violence)

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Big Bang Henda
Educação na Mira
Uma mulher comum

Block 6 - Guerra e Paz


Dia de preto

In a dystopian future, Carolina prepares for Dia de Preto, or Zumbi dos Palmares Day—the only day when Black people can freely go out to celebrate their Blackness. But how can a 65-year-old Black woman make herself look beautiful for such a special day? The day she can visit the place where her son was killed by a security guard in front of a shopping mall.

Director: Beto Oliveira

Country of production: Brasil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 15minutes

Rating: 12+ (drugs)

drugs; violence

A velhice ilumina o vento

“Old age lights up the wind” tells the story of Valda, a black woman, elderly, peripheral, domestic worker in the city of Cuiabá. A strong woman from Cuiabana with a “cracked foot”, Valda subverts the paradigm of stigmatized old age in her daily life.


Director: Juliana Segóvia

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2022

Length: 20'57"

Rating: 12+ (drugs; violence)


A woman faces emotions that have been held back for a long time and are just a drop away from overflowing.


Director: Che Marcheti

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 2'21"

Rating: General


Vital !

Oumar, a young teenager, is running away from his native country full of hope. Nonetheless, the nightmare has only just begun. Do you need to be a superhero to get to Europe?


Director: Nicolas Aubry

Country of production: France

Year of production: 2023

Length: 20'52"

Rating: 16+ (violence)


Assis Histórias de Lá e de Cá

Assis is a priest from Cape Verde based in Brasil, his daily life is marked by prejudice while working with a local slum.


Director: Patrick Correia

Country of production: Brasil

Rating: 12+ (violence)

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Dia de preto
A velhice ilumina o vento
Vital !
Assis Histórias de Lá e de Cá

Block 7 - Online 1


La Asistente

Clara is a girl working as her father’s assistant in an informal dental office. That day, a new patient arrives who catches his attention, since Clara did not have her in the appointment registry.


Director: Pierre Llanos

Country of production: Peru

Year of production: 2024

Length: 19'43"

Rating: 16+ (violence)


Pequenas insurreições

At a waiting room in a nanny agency, a group of women share experiences, reflect on their lives and decide to make a pact.


Director: William de Oliveira

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 13minutes

Rating: 10+ (violence)


En transit

2018, France, revolution is raging and pictures of riots are overflowing all over social medias. In the
corridor of Tokyo-Haneda’s airport, a young girl discovers her country’s news through her phone screen.
Her focus gets lost in it as her emotion grows and the plane that is supposed to take her home gets late.


Director: Lise Rémon

Country of production: France

Year of production: 2022

Length: 5'47"

Rating: 10+ (violence)


In the Ibitipoca region, in the interior of Minas Gerais, Pinha and Dona Ângela keep the ancestral knowledge of cultivating medicinal herbs alive in their backyards, prescribing teas and syrups to family members and neighbors. Despite being known in the community for the natural healing of various ailments, they resort to controlled medication to take care of their own mental health after being diagnosed with depression.


Director: Elisa Mendes e Maria Lutterbach

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2022

Length: 20minutes

Rating: General


Todo Dia é o Memo Dia

Carlo and Bibiana are constantly at odds. When they stop to discuss their relationship, they realize that every day is the same day.


Director: Alexandre Estevanato

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2024

Length: 10'22"

Rating: 12+ (violence)


Decían Que Era Bruja

Women who now live in the Pyrenees, in places where the most fervent witch-hunting once took place, now talk about the reality of femicide from between the 15th and 18th centuries. They invite us to delve into their own lives and themselves share their fears: new or even rooted in history.


Director: Judith Prat Molet

Country of production: Spain

Year of production: 2023

Length: 21minutes

Rating: 12+ (violence)

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La Asistente
Pequenas insurreições
En transit
Todo Dia é o Memo Dia
Decían Que Era Bruja

Block 8 - Online 2



Unemployed for a long time, Paulinho has a job interview for tomorrow. However, first he needs to print his resume.


Director: Fabrício Basílio

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2024

Length: 19'58"

Rating: 10+ (violence)

The Island (Ada)

Ada; She is a little girl living in a dry village where it has not rained for a long time. Ada’s family is considering leaving the village if the thirst continues. Ada is very upset about this and wants to tell us about her village with her camera. She goes to a lake that used to be full of water and visits the island named after her. But she sees that the lake is completely dry, the soil is cracked and there is no water left in it.


Director: Mahmut Taş

Country of production: Turkey

Year of production: 2024

Length: 5'8"

Rating: General

Sertão, América

A record of the manufacturing process of the Serra da Capivara National Park, a conservation unit in the Brazilian hinterlands of Piauí, where rock art challenges the current theory of how humans entered the Americas.


Director: Marcela Ilha Bordin

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 18'15"

Rating: General

Aqui onde tudo acaba

“Here where everything ends” is a poetic and experimental short-film, that travels in between documentary and fiction to approach a culture faced with extinction: the indegeonous peoples of Brasil. It is particularly about the sharing of knowledge of the Bugio village, and made in a collective way in every stage of 16mm footage, botanical revelation and sound caption. It tries to reactivate the memories of the origins of the Laklãnõ/Xokleng people, while observing what is lost with the alienation of their knowledge and culture practiced by colonialism.

Documentary, Experimental

Director: Cláudia Cárdenas, Juce Filho

Country of production: Brazil

Year of production: 2023

Length: 18'59"

Rating: General

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The Island (Ada)
Sertão, América
Aqui onde tudo acaba